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British blues guitarist Mick Clarke - New Releases

Welcome to mickclarke.com
the home of British Blues Guitarist
Mick Clarke

Latest Releases and Info

New weekly release schedule through January / February 2025 - New single 'Play Some Blues Tonight' released Friday 7th February. Click for details.

Current single Little Walter's ''Too Late Brother'

The compilation album 'Bad Whisky Blues' released Friday 17 January. Click for details.

BAD WHISKY NEWS: 'Album of the Week' on Bradley Stoke Radio, UK. See the latest reviews on The BluesPowR Blog and Croatian Blues Forces.

Thanks for regular airplay on WEFT Champaign, Illinois, WVMO Monona, Wisconsin, WMHB from Mayflower Hill, Maine and many others.

British blues guitarist Mick Clarke at Blues.Gr Read the new interview from the 'Tending the Pale Bloom' blog. Thanks to Greg Chance.

British blues guitarist Mick Clarke at Blues.Gr Read the new interview from Blues.Gr
Thanks to Michael Limnios.

British blues guitarist Mick Clarke at Simply The Blues, Mumbai, India Read the new interview from Global Blues. Thanks to Luke Wolk.

British blues guitarist Mick Clarke on Wikipedia Mick on Wikipedia

"One of the finest blues players to come out of England"
The Southern California Blues Society, Los Angeles, California

“Mick Clarke is a bluesman thru & thru. You know with each release, he’s gonna give you something new and exciting. Mick NEVER disappoints…”
Cornel Bogdan

Blues guitarist Mick Clarke British blues guitarist Mick Clarke
Mick at Scratchers, Farncombe, Surrey early 1990s.
Photo from Dangerous Dave Newman

Mick's Blog

Hi -

Just a few notes to keep you updated. Regular new releases through January and onwards. A new compilation album 'Bad Whisky Blues' was released on January 17th.

Here's a little background on who I am and what I do.. From 1968 I was a full time on the road blues rockin' guitar player with Killing Floor and then SALT, and then from the mid 80s led my own band, touring all over Europe, the US and beyond. These days I mainly enjoy making music in my own small recording studio here on the Surrey / Sussex border and releasing it online.

Unencumbered by record company, management or even other musicians, I just go where my muse takes me and feel free to experiment, exploring different styles.

But when it comes down to it I'm a blues guitar player, and I try to give my 'official' albums a more focussed blues / rock direction.

And with some success - the recent album 'Dirty Work' reached No. 2 on the RMR UK album chart as well as featuring on the British IBBA chart, and selling well.

So lots of music in the pipeline including regular new single releases... More news to follow. Blues guitarist Mick Clarke 72nd birthday - a beach in Sussex, England

Mick's 72nd birthday - July 2022 - Shoreham Beach, West Sussex. Photo by Linda Cooper.

Very sad to learn of the death of keyboard player Dave Lennox - a friend, colleague and a fine player, who featured in the Mick Clarke Band on many of our shows and tours, and also on two albums - 'Solid Ground' and 'Live in Luxembourg'. Click here for my tribute to Dave.. R.I.P. to a great musician.

Keyboard player Dave Lennox

And on a happier note, here's Dangerous Dave sporting a fashionable new Gnasher tattoo.. all the rage on the blues circuit I'm told. Rock on Dave..

Keyboard player Dave Lennox